Friday, February 8, 2008

2.6 Million

$2.6 Million. You would need to work for 45 years and average a little more than $57,000 per year to make this much in your lifetime. That's a lot of blood and sweat. It is also the amount advertisers paid for a 30 second spot on the Super Bowl. The reason I mention this is because this will be something that I will visit from time to time. No, not so much the Super Bowl Commercials, but the reason Advertisers are willing to spend so much on them.

We are told time & time again that the media has no influence on people. Well, at least we are told that whenever someone is influenced in a negative way. If they are influenced in a positive way, the media is all over it. They love to honor themselves.

Either the Advertisers are complete idiots, simply throwing their money away, or they are as shrewd as the serpent in the Garden, luring the masses with empty promises of a better life, if only they purchase the product that is seen but for a brief moment. Sometimes the product is not even the "Star" of the commercial, yet the ad sill generates money for the company.

Does the media influence people? If a 30 second ad can get someone to buy one brand of chewing gum over another or ask their doctor about, Restless Leg Syndrome, imagine the power of a song played over and over again or a 2 hour movie.

As I mentioned, I will visit this issue more in the future. Until then, I need to find out what E.D. is. It looks like I can have some serious fun if I take a pill to get rid of it. The only thing is, why do I need to see my doctor about a 4 hour election?

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