Thursday, February 7, 2008

Delicate Genius

OUCH! I have torn my biceps, at least that what it appears has happened. It is a long story, and since my arm is hurting at this moment, I will keep it short. I injured my right biceps about one year ago. It got better and everything has been fine. Well, it was fine until the end of December when after shoveling snow my arm began to hurt, A LOT. I also noticed that my biceps bore a striking resemblence to Popeye's. I thought this stange, especially since it has been several months, nay, several years since I've downed any spinich. Heck, I'm not even a Sailor! Anyway, after doing my due diligence researching the possible cause, I made an appointment to see a Specialist. An Orthopedic Surgeon. Yes, in the words of George Costanza, "A Delicate Genius". Well, this miracle man told me there was nothing to be done. I would have to live with it and slowly let my arm wither away like Bill Belichick with 1 second left on the clock. Oh, and that will be $276. I have since seen two other Doctors with very different opinions on the matter. They gave me hope. They gave me more than a couple of minutes. I had an MRI today. More to follow...

1 comment:

Monica said...

I'm sorry you are in so much pain, but I'm glad you didn't give up and went to see someone else!
